Tuesday, October 6
Crowd-Pleasing Ideas
I'm Utterly and Completely Sher at 13:09 21 Snappy Comebacks
Bitch Category: I'm Fucking Brilliant
Monday, September 28
Guzzles McNewbury, et al.

I am beginning to feel it is my civic duty as a good American, as an upright citizen, as a middle aged female, and as a prior Girl Scout and member of the boys high school tennis team, to feed the fuck-mad public demand that I created.
I'm Utterly and Completely Sher at 16:45 3 Snappy Comebacks
Bitch Category: My Brilliant Way of Thinking
Saturday, May 9
Sad Little Fuckers, Aren't They?
I've got this Feedjit thingamabob on my blog. It tells me when you all visited, where you visited from, and how you got here - direct link, photo search, google phrase/word search, etc.
The current top link that people visit from is 2008 Weblog Awards - Yes my dear sweet children, yours truly was a finalist in the "Best New Blog" category. Eat your little motherfucking hearts out.
The top photo search that brings the world to my blog is for "Merkins." (See Sunday Brunch and Pubic Decor)
I now will share with you, the top "phrases/words" that bring people to my fucking blog when they do a google search.
1. "Want Fuck."
2. "Fuck fingers."
3. "Famous fuckups."
4. "Fuck off and die."
5. "Fucked up."
6. "Fuck you."
7. "Fuck it."
8. "Fuck me."
You'll notice of course that each one contains the word fuck.
My goal was to get everyone to use the word fuck more often.
My work here is done.
I'm Utterly and Completely Sher at 14:36 31 Snappy Comebacks
Bitch Category: I'm Fucking Brilliant
Wednesday, May 6
Yeah Fuck You...I'm Not Dead Yet

I'm Utterly and Completely Sher at 14:38 5 Snappy Comebacks
Wednesday, March 11
Life's Little Fucking Pieces of Reality
Between now and then, my daughter and son-in-law need to buy a home, move into it, write their wills, and make arrangments 'just in case,' amongst many other things.
My daughter will be giving birth to their second child in August. Her husband's tour of duty in Afghanistan will be a minimum of 10 months, so he will miss the majority of the pregnancy, the delivery and the first few months of his child's life.
US Marines give up alot to serve their country.
I offer no humor in my 'humor blog' today.
I only ask that you think kindly of our soldiers and wish them well.
They Serve to Live
And Live to Serve.
Semper Fi
I'm Utterly and Completely Sher at 13:23 5 Snappy Comebacks
Bitch Category: The Queens Family
Sunday, March 8
Babies and Hoes, Thats What Its All About!
I trolled the internet, hoping to find something with the word "fuck" in it, regarding Daylight Savings Time (which for you non-americans, happens today in the US). I emerge victorious, as usual, because once again, I am fucking brilliant.
I also happen to have learned something new from these images regarding the time change, and it is my duty as a good American to inform you of the same.
I hope you find these as amusing as I do!
I'm Utterly and Completely Sher at 10:37 4 Snappy Comebacks
Bitch Category: I'm Fucking Brilliant
Saturday, March 7
People Are Bastards
I'm Utterly and Completely Sher at 13:48 1 Snappy Comebacks
Bitch Category: I'm Fucking Brilliant