I bring you more shit I found on the web...
Becauses its my job
and I do it Fucking Brilliantly.
We all have that certain family member, don't we?
This is exactly how I picture ALL of YOU -
men and women alike...
The truth hurts, doesn't it?
pay fucking attention:
where Redneck Holidays Abound.
and found a photo of
a Turkey Shitting.
I'm lucky that way.
More Southern Redneck Holiday Extravaganzas.
taken away from their idiotic owners.
But it is kinda cutesy.
See, I think of everyone.
It could be amusing.
If by chance it makes sense to one of you,
Do not bother to enlighten me.
I don't fucking care.
Thanksgiving Cartoon Porn
For all my gay visitors.
See, I do think of everything.
I'm brilliant like that.
1 Snappy Comebacks:
I'm devastated to have missed the testicle festival.
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