Tuesday, December 2

Tuesday's Fuck-Ups

Again, I offer self-explanatory photos.
Go on, be amused.
You know you wanna!

Hot Damn....
I am STILL fucking Brilliant!
You bet your sweet patootie I am!

6 Snappy Comebacks:

Dog Breath said...

If someone is strong enough to fold coins with their fingers, I suggest you don't tell them what to do.

Just Sayin' said...

That cow is just misunderstood... That's a helmet.

Safety first!

Sher said...

The 3 of you have just totally cracked me up.

Its very rare that that happens.

Its now a very memorable day.

I thank each and every one of you.

Anonymous said...

These are a riot. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad I visited Plymouth BEFORE they decided to make it so authentic.

LOBO said...

Those were great, but the sponge windshield wiper totally slayed ... thanks for the "LOL"!!!